Properties of Wave Motion
Two types of graphs can be used to represent wave motion.
Displacement-Distance GraphCrest: highest point of a wave.
Trough: lowest point of a wave. Amplitude, A: maximum distance from the rest or central position, in either direction.
Wavelength, λ: shortest distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave or any two points that are in phase.
Phase: any two points are in phase when they move in the same direction with same speed and have same displacement from the rest or central position. i.e D and B are in phase, but not with C. Displacement-Time GraphPeriod, T: time taken to form one complete wave.
Frequency. f: number of complete waves produced per second.
Formula: f = 1 / T. Wave SpeedWave Speed, v: distance traveled by a wave per unit time.
Speed of wave affected by the depth.
WavefrontWavefront: an imaginary line joining all the crests or troughs in a wave.
Prediction on particle movement
Example: The diagram shows a traverse wave on a string with two points P and Q marked. The wave is moving in the direction shown. What will happen next to particle P and Q? |