P = h p g 1.013 * 10^5 = h * 13600 * 9.8 h = 0.76 m (Note: 9.8 is used as it is more accurate. Use 10 for easy calculation purpose) Note that vacuum has a pressure of 0 Pa. Factors affecting vertical height in barometer
When the simple mercury barometer is brought to a place of lower atmospheric pressure (e.g. to the top of Mount Everest), the mercury column will be less. Reason: The weight of atmosphere pressing down the mountain top is less as compared to the atmospheric pressure pressing down on Earth at sea level. Therefore, on the mountain top, less mercury will flow into the glass tube and the height of the mercury column is lower. Different Units: mmHg v.s PaAtmospheric pressure can be expressed as the height of the mercury column instead of in Pa, i.e 76 cm Hg.
To convert between these units, simply use P = h p g to convert. Two cases